Showing posts with label Goyang City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goyang City. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sketches at the Latin American Cultural Center-Museum, Goyang City

panoramic view of the Latin American Cultural Center-Museum, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

inide the hall of the museum, pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

inside the religion exhibition hall, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

 Gaucho Argentino, traditional costumes, pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

museum and art gallery viewed from the entrance gate, pen and watercolor crayon, 
(20 x 30cm)
Last Saturday, it was a fine autumn weather to sketch despite the typhoon forecast. Seoul urban sketches gathered at the Latin American Cultural Center-Museum in Goyang City nearby Seoul. Many visitors interested in foreign culture appreciated Latin American history, art, religion and customs, and other attractive works of exotic culture. The elegant red-brick buildings, museum, art gallery and religion exhibition hall combined with outdoor sculpture parks and Mayan murals to brighten the atmosphere of the cultural center.
While sketching the various forms of pretty and majestic buildings, the inside of the exhibition hall and traditional costumes, I thanked the founder of the Latin American Cultural Center. I'm lucky to be able to sketch as much as I like, experiencing various exotic cultures at the museum near where I live.
원색, 토속 예술, 신앙과 풍습의 역사를 담은
신비스러운 중남미 문화원의 가을 스케치~ 
아담하면서 장엄한 붉은벽돌과 조화를 이루는
조각 공원의 예술품들과 마야벽화의 웅장함...
쉽게 오가기 어려운 이국 문화를 가까이 느끼며
맘껏 스케치할 장소를 설립하신 분께 감사드립니다~~

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sketches at Centro Cultural De America Latina Y Museo, 중남미 문화원

scenery from the entrance gate, pen, pastels, A 4

Maya Mural, pen, pastels, A 4

religion exhibition hall, pencil, pastels, A 4

food cafe, Taco, pastels, A 4

front yard of Taco, pen, pencil, pastels, A 4

It was a very lucky day by fine weather beyond my worrying about the typhoon Tapah. The Latin American Cultural Center-Museum was beautiful as it always has been. Being there without doing anything was just a pleasant healing. Meeting sketchers and sharing talks was another additional joy. Thank you all the participants for joining us!

다가오는 태풍 타파로 폭우가 쏟아지지나 않을까 염려했으나 다행히 적당히 흐린 날씨로 그림그리기에는 좋았습니다. 여전히 아름답고 고즈녁한 분위기안에 간직된 남미의 풍물로 그저 그 안에 있기만 해도 마음이 편안해졌습니다. 화우님들과 이야기도 나누고 그림도 그리고 즐겁기만 했구요. 그런 값진 공간을 이루어 오신 이복형 원장님 부부께 감사드립니다. 
새로 오신 분들 반가왔고 자주 뵙기 바랍니다. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sketches at IKEA Goyang

sepia conte, pen, pencil, pastels, charcoal,
watercolor, A 4

Seoul Urban Sketchers met at IKEA Goyang yesterday. Though it was still cold not enough to dare to stand long for sketching. But some brave sketchers did. By their efforts we would be able to appreciate the great features of the mall. 

The mall is big and crowded with customers although it was an ordinary day, Monday. I could enjoy sketching freely on the exhibited comfortable couches and chairs. Even young staff recommended me to keep sketching on sofa after taking photo not to keep standing putting tools on carrier. I thanked her saying that I should sketch seeing the scene directly. She understood and I felt so warm for her kindness.  

Thank you all the participants! See you next meetup!

어제 아직도 쌀쌀한 날씨에 이케아 고양의 단체 모임은 역시 즐거웠어요. 너무나 넓은 곳이라 모든 것이 잘 비치되어 있고 우리와 친근한 소재라 그릴 것은 많았어요. 직원분들도 그림 보시면서 좋아하시는 모습에 격려도 되었습니다. 상생하는 공간에서 월요일임에도 적지 않은 인파였고 시간이 모자라 다 담지 못하는 것이 아쉬웠어요. 

재료는 주로 마른 재료를 썼고 푹신한 소파에서 물칠도 좀 했습니다. 평일에 자주 가서 드로잉 많이 해보아야겠다는 다짐을 하고 돌아왔습니다. 

새로 참여하신 분들과 오랜만에 오신 분들도 반가왔습니다. 감사합니다.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sketches around Chuseok season

junction scenery at Gyeonji-dong, Jongno

Ship at Kimpo Hamsang Park

plaza scenery at Ilsan Lake Park

inside scene at Goyang Flower Festival 2017

building where flower festival was held

part of Cultural Depot Park (문화비축기지)

part of Cultural Depot Park (문화비축기지)

scenes of First Garden, Paju city

Incheon wharf scenery

It was a good chance to go here and there for sketching around Chuseok holiday season. I found that I need to look for new places because the society keeps changing repeating demolishing and constructing. Kimpo Hamsang Park Cultural Depot Park and First Garden were new to me. Incheon wharf is always my favorite sketching place. Thanks to the 10 holidays I could enjoy short trip every day.

지난 추석 연휴에 이곳 저곳을 다니며 스케치여행을 했어요. 김포 함상 공원도 군함의 내부를 볼수있어서 좋았고 월드컵 경기장 근처에 석유비축기지를 문화비축기지로 탈바꿈한 것도 이채로왔으며 몇달 전에 개장했다는 파주의 펴스트 가든도 신선했습니다. 긴 휴가가 힘든 분들도 많으시더군요. 택기 기사님들은 일일 납입금을 못채워서 애를 태우시더군요. 손님이 없어서...다 좋을 수는 없구나 해서 택시를 자주 탔습니다.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sketches at Starfield Goyang

어제 고양시에 위치한 스타필드 고양에 다녀왔습니다. 디자인은 스타필드 하남과 유사했어요. 워낙 길어서 왔다 갔다 몇번 하니 하루치 운동으로 충분하더군요. 4층에는 골프연습낭도 있었어요. 이곳 저곳 다 돌아 볼 수는 없어서 우선 3층에서 내려다 보고 그려보았습니다. 어려워서 공부가 되었습니다. 점심 후 PK Market에서 바나나 판매하는 젊은이를 그렸어요. 많이 드시라고 여러 조각 권하는 마음이 고운 청년이었어요. 목소리가 좋다고 하니 처음 들어보는 말이라고 기분 좋아하더군요. 카트에 도구를 올려놓고 그리니 아주 편했어요. 통행에 방해가 안되면 이모 저모 그려 볼 수도 있겠더군요. 지하 1층 엘리베이터 앞에 편히 쉴 수 있는 의자가 있어서 잠시 쉬며 인불 스케치를 몇 장 했어요. 인물 드로잉하는 중에 '65세 푸른색 옷을 입은 분을 찾습니다'는 방송이 여러 번 나오는 것을 들으며 마음이 어두워졌어요. 

I visited Starfield Goyang located at Goyang city, Gyeonggi province, north of Seoul. I could arrive at by 10 minutes walk from Samsong subway station. Across the street big buildings were under construction. But most of the scenery seemed like a countryside still. There the mall was opened last month after the successful running of Starfield Hanam in Hanam city. It spans 365,000 square meters. This time I couldn't see all the spots such as children's Toy Kingdom Play or Fun City(family entertainment center, bowling), etc. Because there was small market PM Market I entered in. Grocery stores are familiar always.  There I drew a young man who was shouting 'Please have a piece of sweet banana!' I put my sketch sheet on the cart. It was very useful. After I finished I showed it to him. He was very glad to see and took a photo of it. People like to see sketching and envy of it. Sketching their daily lives in common environment may give chance to look them with fresh feelings.

Friday, March 4, 2016

sketch at Seooreung

Workers were hammering small poles into the ground in front of Myeongreung.
pen and watercolor, 27 x 19.5 cm

I used a fountain pen which my son presented days ago. I promised that I would draw nice ones. This one was the first drawing with that pen. 

Today it was a real spring day. I enjoyed the walking and sketching inside the newly decorated royal tomb garden, Seooreung. I suffered from bad cold last 10 days. The fine weather and nice pen gave a great pleasure. Nature and history was always there. I wish to go there often in spring days.

지난 열흘넘게 독감으로 고생하다가 오늘 모처럼 서오릉으로 스케치를 갔어요. 아들이 선물한 만년필로 그림을 그렸구요. 좋은 그림 많이 그리마 약속을 한지라 오늘 한 숙제를 한 기분이었어요. 날이 이만만하면 참 좋겠다 싶었습니다. 능을 보면서 우리의 역사도 생각해보았구요. 인현왕후와 숙종은 한 자리에 나란히 있는데 조금 뒤로 자리한 인원왕후의 묘소를 보면서 여인들의 비애가 읽혀졌습니다. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

sketches at the museum in Goyang City

entrance of sculpture park, pencil, watercolor, 39 x 27 cm

exhibition hall of cathedral church, charcoal, 39 x 27 cm

foreground garden of the museum, drawn on 2nd visit with Mikyung Kim, May 15, 2015
39 x 27 cm

scene at the gallery of Latin countries' traditional costume
27 x 39 cm

one of the traditional costume exhibited in gallery, 27.5 x 17.5 cm

I went to Centro Cultural de American Latina Y Museo (중남미 문화원) located at Goyang City. The place was very beautiful with brick buildings such as museum, art museum, religion building, sculpture park, and so on. Shiny weather added the pleasure to walk here and there seeing the great sculptures in nice garden. Of course I could see lots of cultural sculpture works inside the museum. And there was a souvenir shop too. There were various kinds of decorative goods such as ring, bracelet, necklace, wallets which are of characteristic design of Latin America. There was a special exhibition of the clothes and textiles of the traditional wearings. The museum was originated by the former ambassador Lee Bok-hyeong who had served as diplomat in Latin american countries for 30 years. He and his wife collected lots of precious works to establish a museum. It's said that such kind of museum about Latin America is the only one in Asia. Hope you to visit there some day.

I added three sketches drawn on today, 15 May 2015, with Kim Mikyung at the museum.
The quiet atmosphere with well trimmed garden trees was good enough to heal ourselves. The museum locates not far from Seoul. By subway or bus one may be able to go there within one hour more or less according to the distance. We enjoyed the serene mood as if the garden were ours. This time I captured two at the inside of the gallery where the Latin countries' traditional clothes were exhibited. We admired the efforts of the owner seeing all those exhibited works. 

오늘 고양시에 있는 중남미 문화원에 다녀왔습니다. 날씨도 좋아서 나무, 잔디, 꽃등이 야외 조각품들과 어우러져서 아름다왔어요. 물론 실내의 전시품도 잘 보았구요. 다양한 복장 전시도 뜻밖의 소득이었습니다. 일절 실내 사진 촬영이 금지되어있고 1994년 박물관 건립 이후 많은 소개가 되어 있어서 달리 사진을 찍지않았어요. 조용한 위치에 있는 작은 종교 전시관의 안과 밖이 감상하기 좋았습니다. 가끔 가서 그림도 그리고 휴식도 취하면 좋겠습니다.

********** 오늘(5월 15일) 김미경샘과 함께 그린 스케치들을 함께 올렸습니다. 여전히 조용하고 아름다운 분위기의 문화원에서 실내 풍경을 그리느라고 애를 먹었어요. 백에 넣은 물이 쏟아지고...서서 그리다가 급기야 바닥에 앉아 마감을 했구요. 가끔 들러서 많은 조각품들도 그려보면 좋겠습니다. 먼데 오셔서 함께 그림 그려서 즐거웠어요! 맛난 김밥, 약밥도 감사했구요! ^ ^ ***************************