Saturday, April 22, 2017

55th World Wide SketchCrawl

Women were choosing a jar. By BH Yoo

By John Lee

By John Lee

By Min Jeong Sook

By Choi Jong Suk

By Kim Hae Won

It was a fine day though hot under the sun. Some were old pals and some were new. The Buam-dong is one of the oldest village in Seoul with beautiful mountains such as Inwangsan, Bugaksan and Bughansan. It is not far from the Blue House and Gyeongbokgung(palace). Seoul fortress walls are surrounding. We can walk along the wall looking down the villages. Lots of citizens and tourists visit the wall. Small coffee shops and restaurants are located along the small alleys. Sketchers enjoyed all day drawing sights here and there while some were sharing talks under the parasols having tea. Life is long; we don't need to hurry to capture all at one time. We gather and draw what we observe and share all about we dream living together. 
Much thanks for all : Min Jeong Sook, Choi Jong Suk, Andy Oh, John Lee, Han Jung Sun, Kim Hae Won, Baik Kyung Won, Jung Young Kyeong, Han Mi Young, Choi Sung Ye, Joung Young Hee, Yi Ji Hyun, Kang Eun Young Eunice, Lee Yong Hwan, BH Yoo. 
Hope to see you next month! 

55th World Wide SketchCrawl page 를 방문하시고 지구촌 스케쳐들의 작품을 감상하시기 바랍니다. 

오늘 좋은 날씨에 많은 분들이 참여해주셔서 감사했습니다. 스케치가 많이 알려져서 간단한 도구로 커다란 즐거움을 얻는 기회를 나누는 듯합니다. 오랜만에 만난 분들과 나누는 그림 이야기도 소중하여 많은 그림 그리려는 조급함을 잠시 내려놓았던 하루였습니다. 그림을 매개로 하여 처음으로 만나는 분들과의 인연이 오래도록 이어지기를 바랍니다. 


Andy Oh said...

just great~

Andy Oh said...

수고 많으셨어요 그림 올렸어요