Monday, June 6, 2016

sketches at the Guui subway station


A 4

I visited the Guui subway station to pay my condolence to the young man(19 years old) who died just a day before his 20th birthday while repairing the screen door at that station. Cup-style instant ramen found in his bag with other tools aroused people's sympathy. Lots of sticky notes, flowers, ramen, bread bags and other heartfelt presents were laid on the desk. At first the shrine was on the place where the accident happened(9-4, Guui station), but the station office moved it to the passage under the scene of the accident, which caused people's fury. And the officials set the shrine at the first place as before. People could visit and leave notes at two places. 
After finishing several sketches I heard some noise at the passage and found a press interview was going at the passage. I stood near the post line to sketch more. The guard near me seemed to think of me as a reporter. Related officials announced some plans to prevent recurrence and responsible steps about the accident. Lots of questions continued by the journalists and social welfare persons. 
Today some related officials' resignation was accepted. While sketching the interview scenes I heard the statements of the officials. I felt same emotion as the reporters. 

Deep condolences,
Rest in peace.

지난 1일에 구의역을 방문하고 구의역에서 스크린도어 수리중 사고로 사망한 김모군의 추모 장소에 다녀왔습니다. 많은 분들의 쪽지에서 어린 나이에 힘들지만 희망을 잃지 않고 살아가려는 이 땅의 한 젊은이의 꿈이 무참히 부숴진 것을 애도하며 그의 명복을 비는 글이 대부분이었어요. 아마도 많은 분들이 이 사고에서 느끼는 것이 각별하지 않았을까 싶었습니다. 일면식도 없었던 중년 부인께서 눈물을 흘리며 다음생에는 대한민국에서 태어나지 말고 좋은 나라에서 태어나라고 말씀하시더군요. 다리가 아파서 파스 바르고 오셨다고요.  거칠게 한 드로잉들에 집에서 색칠하여 몇장 올립니다. 

삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.


MiataGrrl said...

Excellent sketch reportage of a very sad experience. The very colorful note papers are in direct contrast with the dark and somber mood. Thank you for sharing this.


BH Yoo said...

Thank you so much for your warmhearted sympathy and kind comments.
We will remember him for long.